Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Welcome to our website!
Prayer Timetable
Our prayer times based on LCIC current location in London Colney.
Jummah 13:00
Library and Recreational Activities
Alhamdulillah, we are very pleased to provide a library for the community.
Funeral Services
Funeral prayer services (Jan?zah) will be offered at LCIC from April 2020, inshaAllah.
Hall Hire
We have a large hall upstairs, as well as the Sister’s hall / multi-purpose hall, available for hire.
Nikah Service
You may have your nikah done, either at LCIC or at a venue of your choice, by one of our Imams.
Advice and Counselling
Our Imams can advise on a wide range of matters, such as marriage, bereavement, family problems, and Islamic guidance
Grand Charity Fundraising Event in June
Upcoming Event
Grand Charity Fundraising Event @ LCIC
A Few Words About Us
Our Community

Your lord will extend his mercy to you and accommodate you in your ordeal. 18:16 AL KAHF
HSBC – 31 Chequer Street, St Albans AL1 3YN
Sort Code: 40-40-01
Account No: 22649373
Make a Donation
Please use the PayPal Button below to Make a Donation
You may alternatively scan this QR Code to make a donation
Coming Soon
Sermons. Meetings. Seminars
Stay in Touch
Our Contacts
174 High Street London Colney
St Albans AL2 1JY United Kingdom